The threat of an intercommunal educational grouping looms over this commune in Val-d’Oise

The threat of an intercommunal educational grouping looms over this commune in Val-d’Oise
The threat of an intercommunal educational grouping looms over this commune in Val-d’Oise


Isabelle Lawson

Published on

May 25, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.

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“No to the messed up Rpi, school in the street. » This is one of the slogans that could be heard in the procession of the demonstration which took place on Thursday May 16 in Vétheuil (Val-d’Oise).

Forty of parents of students refuse the implementation of intercommunal educational group (Rpi) decided hastily and announced late by Dominique Herpin-Poulenat, mayor (Se) of Vétheuil and Capucine Faivre, mayor (Horizons) of La Roche-Guyon (Val-d’Oise) for the start of the 2024 school year.

“With this Rpi, a CP student will find themselves in the same class as a CE2 level student. »

A parent of students, present at the demonstration

Level differences

The Rpi, which consists of bringing together several classes from schools in different municipalities whose numbers are low, often results in a disparity of levels students within the same class. “With this Rpi, a CP student will find themselves in the same class as a CE2 level student. Such differences in level in the same class is an aberration,” reports a parent of students. And Julien Foucou, CGT – National Education activist added: “If the academic inspector responds to Dasen’s request to maximize Rpi in Vexin, it must be done correctly and logically. In this specific case, why not establish kindergarten classes in one municipality and elementary classes in the other? »

Parents are unanimously not against the rapprochement. “An Rpi, why not, but let it be better prepared for the start of the 2025 school year and that we are fully involved in its consultation“, says a parent. A willingness to be involved to avoid inconsistent situations.

“The Rpi is the best solution for the future of these educational establishments. »

Dominique Herpin-Poulenat, mayor (Se) of Vétheuil

From the first year of kindergarten, these young 3-year-old schoolchildren, not yet independent, will have to take the bus twice a day to get to six km further (15 minute journey, editor’s note)in the small nursery section of the school La Roche-Guyon. “They will have to change schools four times in four years,” reports a parent delegate.

Best solution

This is following the announcement of the closure of an elementary class in La Roche-Guyon at the start of the next school year and the announcement ofan administrative surveillance measurebefore closure, of the Vétheuil school that the mayors of these two municipalities and Hubert Rochard, academic inspector, decided on this Rpi, in February 2024. A decision taken for the sustainability of the school in Vétheuil, according to Dominique Herpin-Poulenat: “We act, in general, for the good of the inhabitants. In order to continue to sustain our schools, we must plan for the future. This is why the Rpi is the best solution for the future of these educational establishments. » And Capucine Faivre reminds us that

“The responsibility for the school map (which includes the Rpi, editor’s note) lies with the municipalities and National Education. »

In other words, parents of students or delegates are not not stakeholders in the Rpi decision.

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Towards the private

If parents fear personal and educational balance of their children, they also fear the loss of social connection established with the teaching staff and other parents. Without forgetting the constraints in terms of organization and canteens. “The risk is to see certain parents withdraw their children from the public to enroll them in a private establishment, » regrets a parent of students. And Julien Foucou concludes: “This flight towards the private sector can only strengthen the school separatism and dig a little deeper inequality“.

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