A high school student from Marmande recounts her incredible experience with Universal National Service

A high school student from Marmande recounts her incredible experience with Universal National Service
A high school student from Marmande recounts her incredible experience with Universal National Service


Editorial team Le Républicain Marmande

Published on

May 25, 2024 at 6:44 p.m.

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Jeanne is in second grade at Val de Garonne high school, in Marmande. A good student, she plans to study law, with the plan of become a judge. But before settling down, she is thinking of joining the Army, as a non-commissioned soldier.

Moreover, we met her so that she could talk about her recent internship experience as part of the Universal National Service. This 12-day course can replace the now obligatory second course, but Jeanne prefers to experience both.

An unforgettable experience at SNU

Very interested in the program and the values ​​conveyed by the SNU, Jeanne registered online, without knowing where she would go to live this 12-day experience. It was in Chamberet, in Corrèze, that she was assigned and went by train with other young people from the high school.

Jeanne describes with enthusiasm these days shared with soldiers, the daily discoveries, the learning and what she experiences as “a wonder“, aware of “the immense luck of experiencing all of this”.

Throughout the stay, various themes were discussed with different speakers:

  • addictions,
  • prevention on the use of screens,
  • road safety,
  • alcohol prevention,
  • role play game,
  • team sports,
  • self defense.

Jeanne loved everything. “Especially the 2-day bivouac. »

Following on in ideas

The 3rd day is probably the one that marked Jeanne the most with the visit to the 126th infantry regiment of Brive, its buildings, the impressive welcome by a colonel, the visit to the armory and other places usually closed to the public.

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I appreciate the immense luck we had, the great privilege of discovering everything.


The Lot-et-Garonnaise even had the chance to practice shooting. “It was lunar,” she said. The course ended with scenes organized by the groups and above all with a beautiful ceremony. Jeanne was also honored for her commitment, her seriousness, her values ​​and her posture.

The memories will remain. In particular the wearing of the uniform which allows “group cohesion and above all not to have prejudices”. But also the ban on cell phones “except from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. but as there were activities, meal times and showers, we didn’t even think about it anymore”.

After your cohesion stay, to validate the SNU, you will still have to carry out a general interest mission of 84 hours. Jeanne plans to do it in an association, in the army or even at GAB, her basketball club. There is no doubt that this immersive experience at the heart of the values ​​of the republic will have left its mark on Jeanne.

Stephanie Robin

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