Rosny-sous-Bois: new tensions in the majority, the municipal council reconvened on May 30

Rosny-sous-Bois: new tensions in the majority, the municipal council reconvened on May 30
Rosny-sous-Bois: new tensions in the majority, the municipal council reconvened on May 30

Opposition MP Fatiha Keloua-Hachi speaks of a “boycotted” council and a “minority” mayor. The opponent (DVD) Ivan Itzkovitch evokes yet another “political crisis” in Rosny-sous-Bois. This Thursday evening, the municipal council was not held due to lack of quorum: only 17 elected officials out of 43 were present at the opening of the session. Mayor (LR) Jean-Paul Fauconnet said he learned of it “three minutes before”. “I was very astonished and surprised,” he commented this Friday afternoon.

The law now requires organizing a new municipal council, during which no quorum will be required. It will be held next Thursday. “I will ensure that there is no blocking situation, it is my responsibility, it is my task,” assures Jean-Paul Fauconnet, without further detailing his intentions for this short week of negotiations which will take place. ‘announcement.

Rosny. The mayor (LR) Jean-Paul Fauconnet claims to have been “surprised” by the number of absentees at the municipal council, which could therefore not be held.

A year ago, the municipal majority had already split when voting on the budget and this town of 45,000 inhabitants found itself under the supervision of the prefecture. The mayor thought these tensions were “behind” him. “We had a meeting of the majority group two days before and we had disagreements on certain subjects,” concedes the mayor, who repeats his “surprise”.

“It seemed well organized, well calculated,” comments opposition MP Ivan Itzkovitch, who notes that “the 2024 budget was voted on without any particular difficulty” a few weeks ago.

“We already had disagreements,” assures the second deputy without delegation Pierre-Olivier Carel, who is one of those who did not show up Thursday evening. He justifies this decision by “relatively simple reasons”: “We had merged our lists (during municipal elections), we had made a majority pact and we were awaiting the implementation of the program on which we had agreed. This meant teamwork and an investment plan. But the establishment of a team dynamic has never been possible,” tackles the elected official.

“We expect the mayor to respect his commitments”

And to cite “municipal offices which do not take place, elected officials who discover recruitments in their delegations or who give a negative opinion on a recruitment and the person is recruited anyway”. “We expect the mayor to respect his commitments,” continues Pierre-Olivier Carel.

“There is a real breakdown in confidence,” says Stéphanie Awad, former education deputy, who joined the ranks of the opposition last year, at the time of the budget crisis. “They find themselves in the same situation as what I experienced,” the opposition representative believes. Internally, we have completely non-existent speech. With the mayor, there is no debate. »



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