SENEGAL-ENERGY-INFRASTRUCTURES / Tambacounda: the mini solar power plants of Sansanding and Toumboura inaugurated – Senegalese press agency

Toumboura, May 23 (APS) – The director general of the Senegalese Rural Electrification Agency (ASER), Baba Diallo, inaugurated the mini photovoltaic solar power plants of Sansanding and Toumboura, villages located in the region of Tambacounda (east). ).

”Here in Toumboura as in Sansanding, these are mini solar power plants of 60 kilowatts peak which were built to meet the expectations of the populations,” declared Mr. Diallo during the inauguration ceremony.

These electrical works are the result of a project to build 300 mini-power plants, to which the State of Senegal has allocated a budget of 79 billion CFA francs, according to the general director of ASER.

”Beyond infrastructure (mini-power plants, low voltage network, installation network), we contribute to reducing the workload of young people and women, as well as to the development of income-generating activities”, he pointed out.

Jean Paul Sylvain Diatta, deputy prefect of Bakel, presiding over the inauguration ceremony, was delighted with the ”republican spirit of the local populations” for having ”accepted” that these ”vital energy infrastructures ” are built in their local authority.

”The creation of these mini-power plants […] arises from the State’s strategic option to ensure sustainable and low-cost energy production, essential to the development of our regions,” underlined Mr. Diatta.

The electrification of these villages in the district of Kéniéba will significantly contribute to improving the living and working conditions of the populations, he assured.

Jean Paul Sylvain Diatta asked them to take ownership of this investment and make good use of it.





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