In Finistère, CCI and Apesa 29 are committed to helping business leaders in difficulty

In Finistère, CCI and Apesa 29 are committed to helping business leaders in difficulty
In Finistère, CCI and Apesa 29 are committed to helping business leaders in difficulty

Covid-19, soaring energy costs… Lately, businesses have been put to the test. The difficulties keep coming. And some of them can no longer cope. In 2023, the department’s commercial courts recorded 134 reorganizations and 343 judicial liquidations. Much more than the previous year (54 and 273). A difficult context, which sometimes plunges business leaders into great psychological distress. Aware of the problem, the Finistère Chamber of Commerce and Industry has just asked the Apesa 29 association to work side by side.

In conjunction with psychologists

Created by the commercial courts of Quimper and Brest in 2017, and managed by volunteers, the association aims to “restore meaning to the professional and personal lives” of entrepreneurs, artisans, traders and liberal professions “in distress”. acute”, recalls, this Thursday, May 23, Thierry Guillo, president of Apesa 29. In the department, 90 “sentinels” (members of the CCI, professional chambers, judges, legal representatives, etc.) are “trained in the detection of distress signals” and are in constant contact with management. At the slightest concern, and with the agreement of the business manager, a telephone platform is alerted and managers are referred to specialized psychologists located as close as possible to their homes (around thirty to date).

All sectors impacted

2023 was “a record year”, observes Thierry Guillo, with 59 alerts, compared to 32 the previous year. 60% of the people helped are men and the average age is 42-43 years old. They are essentially at the head of VSEs, and all sectors of activity are impacted (bakeries, construction, catering, etc.). On average, managers benefit from three to four free sessions with a psychologist.

“Many lives have been saved thanks to Apesa,” insists Jean-François Garrec, president of the Quimper delegation of the CCI. Sometimes it only takes one word to straighten someone out.” A major support, therefore. But that comes at a cost. Supported during the health crisis by the State, the association is now seeking public and private funding. Each year, it needs at least €20,000 to operate.




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