“A CRA does not increase insecurity”, assures François-Xavier Lauch, prefect of Hérault

“A CRA does not increase insecurity”, assures François-Xavier Lauch, prefect of Hérault
“A CRA does not increase insecurity”, assures François-Xavier Lauch, prefect of Hérault

The prefect of Hérault discusses the usefulness and merits of the construction of a CRA in Béziers.

What exactly is this CRA project in Béziers?

This 120-seat CRA will be armed by 200 border police officers. To date, it costs €37 million. He is very favored by Robert Ménard who found land and sold it at cost price to the State. I can certify that the schedule is kept for this CRA which will be common with a specially designed hospital unit (UHSA). Of a prison nature, it will be located right next to Béziers prison. All the lights are green for this project. As also said by the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior, the financial commitments for the construction of the CRAs will be kept.

Why build CRAs?

In the majority of cases, before being able to deport someone, they are placed in administrative detention. One of the major bottlenecks for increasing distances is the number of places in CRA. In Hérault, there are only 28, in Sète. If we cannot find places in CRA, we lose the opportunity to deport a foreigner in an irregular situation. This is why I am doing everything I can to ensure that the Béziers CRA opens.

What do you say to people who fear seeing a CRA built in Béziers?

It is incomprehensible that people are opposed to it. In the arguments I hear, it is said that this will increase insecurity in Béziers. This is false. It is a structure which will welcome people who will not come from Béziers and it will be perfectly secure. We have never seen any issues of insecurity due to the opening of a CRA. It will not be Béziers police officers who will work there. To my great astonishment, the deputy for the Béziers constituency told me that he is opposed to this CRA. I tell myself that we should reconcile national and local discourses. I am ready to prove that having CRA places allows more people in an irregular situation to be returned. I refuse to be captive to a political discourse which says that a CRA will increase delinquency in Béziers. It’s the opposite.



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