tributes after the announcement of the death of Simon Fieschi – Libération

tributes after the announcement of the death of Simon Fieschi – Libération
tributes after the announcement of the death of Simon Fieschi – Libération

The former webmaster of Charlie Hebdo, seriously injured in the attack of January 7, 2015, died Thursday October 17. Several personalities salute a man with “endless courage”.

He described himself as “survivor”. The lifeless body of Simon Fieschi, former webmaster of the journalistic Charlie Hebdo seriously injured during the attack of January 7, 2015, was found Thursday October 17. Since the announcement of this disappearance this Saturday by his lawyer and the prosecutor’s office, tributes have been coming, starting with the Charlie Hebdo team.

“He spent nine months in hospital where he was told he would never walk again. It was not knowing Simon well. Funny, lively, tireless defender of freedom, he refused to let those who wanted to destroy him win.the members of the editorial staff of the weekly testified on “devastated by the death of [leur] ami».

Many personalities also paid tribute to his memory on social networks. “Simon Fieschi was struggling to overcome the horror of which he had been one of the victims. There are scars that many no longer see but which never heal. written about X François Hollande, President of the Republic at the time of the attack on Charlie Hebdo.

“On January 7, 2015, Simon Fieschi survived the fire of the terrorists who took the lives of his comrades at Charlie Hebdo. Seriously injured, he has continued to fight since. For life. For freedom. To express with courage and humanity the horror of Islamist terrorism. greets his successor, Emmanuel Macron, on the same social network. And the president added: “His passing today is a great sadness for us all. A tear that revives intact pain almost a decade later.”

“With fine intelligence and endless courage, Simon will be missed so much,” underlined the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo, in a message sent to AFP. “We will not forget you and will pay tribute to you”she added in her memory. Georges Salines, father of a Bataclan victim and honorary president of the 13onze15 association, describes Simon Fieschi as “a man of exceptional sensitivity and intelligence. In another post, Arthur Dénouveaux, Bataclan survivor and president of the association Life For Paris, écrit : “Simon had told me before V13 “You will see, the trial will make you doubt everything and yourself. And then you will land on your feet.” Rest in peace, the world is less intelligent without you.”

The press cartoonist Coco, who collaborates notably for Liberation et Charlie Hebdoalso paid tribute to Simon Fieschi. A tribute in drawing.

An investigation into the causes of death

A “investigation into the causes of death” was opened, without “no hypothesis” not be privileged at this stage, said the prosecution. “An autopsy was ordered, the findings of which were unable to determine the cause of death. Investigations continue”adds the public prosecutor. According to a source close to the case, the body of Simon Fieschi, aged 40, was found in a hotel room in Paris.

“Contrary to what has been announced by certain media, there is no evidence in favor of a voluntary action at this stage of the investigations and the causes of death are still currently unknown,” underlined for her part her lawyer, Me Nathalie Senyk, calling “everyone to be particularly vigilant before the final report of the investigation”.

Update : at 5:35 p.m., with more reactions



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