Where can I find the Tremplin 52 mobile agency?

Where can I find the Tremplin 52 mobile agency?
Where can I find the Tremplin 52 mobile agency?

Meet the residents, their driving forces, meet their expectations… Meeting with the Tremplin 52 mobile agency

It is common, in car parks generally close to town halls, to notice a shimmering van, predominantly blue and white, flanked by a large bay window. Parked, it waits for people who, alerted to this stop, wish to obtain information on Tremplin 52 services.

Indeed, based in Langres, the association decided, a little over a year ago now, to reach out to the population with a mobile agency. Because if its primary mission is to support people in returning to employment, it has decided to travel throughout the south of Haut- because there is a need, particularly in terms of mobility, both for its employees and for people wishing to entrust them with work.

Addressing the lack of mobility

Indeed, as the host explains Émeline Krug, ” our association, called an intermediary, aims to support a return to employment for people who are away from it for various reasons. After work, on our Langres site, to remove the obstacles which constrain them, we are in able to make them available to other people who need our services “.

And that is the relevance of the mobile agency. Because if certain associations, communities or companies have little difficulty in meeting Tremplin 52, the same is different for individuals, who are sometimes isolated or not very mobile in rural areas.

Different services

This is why the mobile agency, during its stops in the villages, is able to receive them, as well as unemployed people wishing to obtain information or join the system.

The integration association is therefore able to offer, to both parties, a whole range of services ranging from cleaning to the maintenance of green spaces, including handling, clearing out cellars, barns, attics…

A need for services

Very useful aid, previously evaluated by a supervisor, who then assigns one or more of his employees who will then work in total autonomy. While some work is carried out occasionally, others come back regularly, thus establishing closer and lasting links between Tremplin 52 and the people needing its services. And obviously, the first results, in terms of integration, are encouraging

21 people put back to work

“Over the period from September 2023 to date, we have put 21 people back into employment, that is to say who have returned to so-called traditional jobs. Which is obviously the primary goal of Tremplin 52, which permanently employs around thirty employees”, underlines Émeline Krug.

For the moment, the mobile agency travels across the territory of the three communities of communes in southern Haut-Marne: Grand Langres, Savoir-Faire and CCVAM (Vingeanne, Auberive and Montsaugeonnais).

45 communes

Soon we will be able to find it on Monday October 21 (morning in Saint-Loup-sur-Aujon and afternoon in Saints-Geosmes), Tuesday 22 (morning in Montigny-le-Roi, afternoon in Bourbonne-les- Bains), Tuesday October 29 (morning in Chauffourt and afternoon in Rolampont)…

In fact, no less than 45 municipalities receive periodic visits from Tremplin 52, some every month, others bimonthly or quarterly.

A beautiful and effective tool that this mobile agency goes simultaneously to meet people deprived of employment and others eager to have work carried out. A great example, also, of social connection!

Practical Tremplin 52 Tel. 07 63 55 47 [email protected]



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