A Gym’Art team champion of France

A Gym’Art team champion of France
A Gym’Art team champion of France

End clap for the national Gym’Art teams who competed in the Paris region on Saturday May 18 and Sunday May 19 in Bagneux (Hauts-de-Seine), the French Gymnastics Championships of the Sports and Gymnastics Federation of Work (FSGT). Of the four Vergèz teams presented, all had obtained their qualifications last March and had to travel to put their titles from the previous year back into play.

Under the leadership of coaches Cornel and Iuliana Adam, the Division 3 team in all categories made up of Mathilde Garcia, Lydie-Anne Dammann, Orlane Roussille, Maëlys Vaillant and Charlotte Planes was crowned champion of France 2024. The Federal team, which competed in the highest division with Alessia Adam, Lyndsey Stéfani, Ihcen Hamdaoui, Tess Richard and Kéla Sanchez, ranks at the foot of a podium won by their neighbors Nîmes.

The two D4 teams, competing on Sunday, obtained a 5th place for the youngest-minimes with Yvana Vaillant, Morgane Rigard, Ana Gavanon, Romane Grimaud and Damika Dominy and a 9th place for the All categories with Lilly Royet, Chloé Monnier, Lola Godet, Shanice Vaillant and Ilona De la Clergerie.

For Gym’Art, it is now time to prepare for the individual French championship which will take place in Condom-en-Armagnac (Gers) on June 1st. There, 15 gymnasts from Vergèz will try to bring home medals for their city.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 32 32 33 98




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