Europeans: like the RN in France, the far right is making progress in the polls and soon in the polls

Polls, notably Ipsos, confirm on the eve of the European elections the surge of populist candidates. France is no exception. Valérie Hayer, head of the Renaissance list, is not only left behind by Jordan Bardella, head of the RN list, but also under threat from Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the joint list of Place publique and the Socialist Party. Analysis with political scientist Brice Teinturier.

Nearly 360 million Europeans are called to the polls from June 6 to 9 to elect their MEPs. But the heart is not there or full of resentment for a growing part of the electorate: abstention, on the one hand, achieves its best scores in the European elections and, on the other hand, the parties more or less openly Europhobes are hot on her heels…
France and its approximately 49 million voters are no exception. “Three weeks before the election,” points out Brice Teinturier, Ipsos expert on electoral dynamics and changes in opinion, “participation looks set to be low again. At the end of April, 45% of French people said they would vote. This is five points less than in 2019. Participation typically increases with age, with those aged 70 and over saying they want to vote at 63% compared to 29% for those under 35. »
“Similarly,” continues the political scientist, “the voters of the National Rally are, in the immediate future, more mobilized than those of the presidential camp. The choice of the former is definitive for 87% of them compared to 74% for the latter. »




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