School transport suspended again in part of and Lozère

Given the floods affecting rivers, the prefect of , in consultation with the departmental director of national education services, has decided to suspend school transport this Friday, October 18 over a large northern half of the department. All school transport passing through one of the affected zones is canceled (even if they are going to or coming from an authorized zone). The prefecture invites parents to keep their children at home if possible. For boarding students, parents are asked not to pick them up until tomorrow. The schools will contact the parents of the boarders tomorrow to ensure their return home.

The map of the sectors affected by the absence of school transport
Prefecture of Gard

School transport also suspended in certain municipalities of Lozère

For the same reasons, the Lozère prefecture has also decided to suspend school transport in part of the department. Three colleges also remain closed : Villefort, Saint-Etienne-Vallée-Française and Le Collet-de-Dèze. Some schools may also be closed. It is the mayors who will make the decision.



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