Lifting of water restrictions for farmers in Haute-Corse after an improvement in hydrological conditions

Lifting of water restrictions for farmers in Haute-Corse after an improvement in hydrological conditions
Lifting of water restrictions for farmers in Haute-Corse after an improvement in hydrological conditions

The Haute-Corse water resources committee, chaired by prefect Michel Prosic, met on October 11, 2024 to examine the hydrological situation of the department.

After several deficient recharge seasons, the rainfall at the start of the 2024/2025 season is slightly excess, allowing a notable improvement in groundwater levels, particularly those of the Mudof the Figarella and of l’Aliso. Despite this good news, geographic disparities persist between the eastern and western coasts.

The department’s dams display varied levels: that of Calacuccia is consistent with annual averages while that of Sampolo is experiencing a slight decline. However, the Alisgiani and Stulone reservoirs remain fragile, although the Stulone desalination plant is expected to improve the situation soon.

The resumption of the course of the rivers, with the exception of the Alisani, testifies to this improvement. However, the soils of the eastern plain and Cap Corse remain dry, while those of the west coast have become humid.

Following this assessment, the prefect decided to lift the last water restrictions for farmers in the hydrographic units of Cap Corse – Nebbio and the eastern plain. This measure has been in force since October 14, 2024. From now on, no restrictive measures are in force in the department. Although some indicators require continued monitoring, the water situation appears to be improving after several years of drought.



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