The ton of cannabis seized in Orléans was supposed to arrive in Hauts-de-Seine

The ton of cannabis seized in Orléans was supposed to arrive in Hauts-de-Seine
The ton of cannabis seized in Orléans was supposed to arrive in Hauts-de-Seine

A ton of cannabis resin. It was truly a huge seizure that investigators from the Hauts-de-Seine departmental judicial police service made on October 9. A catch so important that the Minister of the Interior, Bruno Retailleau, chose it on Tuesday to illustrate his remarks on the fight he intends to wage against “narcobanditism” which he believes must be made a ” national struggle.

PJ 92 investigators discovered this ton of cannabis resin in a van that they were tracking from the south of , while it was coming back from Spain, flanked by two other vehicles. The judicial police had been working on this team of traffickers from Hauts-de-Seine since the beginning of the summer. Through surveillance, they had collected enough evidence attesting to regular shipments from Spain. Until they discovered a convoy was planned for the middle of last week.

96 hours of police custody

The stakes being colossal for the traffickers who were going to lose the equivalent of some three million euros in merchandise, the PJ investigators called on their colleagues from the Research and Intervention Brigade, specialized in delicate arrests. . They were thus able to stop their targets near Orléans (), especially by stopping the van. Which therefore contained this ton of cannabis packaged in packages of around forty kilos. The police were also able to block one of the two cars in the convoy, but the driver of the other managed to flee.

During their 96 hours in police custody, the maximum time limit for drug trafficking, the three men, aged 23, 33 and 41, did not say a word. Total silence. But the investigation continues, in particular to identify semi-wholesalers and identify the cannabis distribution network.

In the meantime, two of the three suspects arrested on October 9 were incarcerated last Sunday. The third man appeared this Wednesday before the judge of freedoms and detention. He too is now in pre-trial detention.



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