Hikers make a macabre discovery in Corrèze

Hikers make a macabre discovery in Corrèze
Hikers make a macabre discovery in Corrèze

The body of a forty-year-old was discovered on Tuesday October 15 by hikers on a steep area in the town of Aubazine, in Corrèze. The theory of an accidental fall or a desperate gesture is favored.

The remains of a 46-year-old man were discovered Tuesday, October 15, in the afternoon, in a steep, wooded area in the town of Aubazine.

The body discovered below a cliff

Hikers raised the alarm after finding the body, directly above a cliff, at the place called La Roche-Bergère.

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Effects were found around thirty meters higher, supporting the theory of an accident or that of a desperate gesture. An investigation into the causes of death is underway.




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