Notre-Dame des Landes: scandalous regularization of the black-block den

Notre-Dame des Landes: scandalous regularization of the black-block den
Notre-Dame des Landes: scandalous regularization of the black-block den

After the cowardice and renunciations of the Hollande and Macron governments, the ZAD – “anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian experimentation zone” – of Notre-Dame des Landes, in -Atlantique, is “regularized” by the Departmental Council. This is the latest dirty trick of the eco-socialist assembly against the mayors and residents of Notre-Dame des Landes and Vigneux-de-Bretagne: Thursday October 10, the Departmental Council thus decided, against the advice of local elected officials, to offer the occupying Zadists, and not farmers, long leases for a period of 25 years and unbeatable rents (from 1,800 to 2,600 euros per year).

If we don’t want to tackle illicit occupations, let’s make them legal!

In September, feeling the blow coming, the mayor of Notre-Dame des Landes expressed indignation to the Figaro : « The department no longer respects our local urban planning plans (PLU) at all and seeks to present us with a fait accompli “. How ? By purchasing the “ 1082 hectares today occupied by around a hundred people – and at least double that in summer », and which the department will now rent at a low price to the historic squatters of the ZAD.

Very discreet, the vice-president of the Departmental Council responsible for the file then refused to answer questions. A simple press release from the department set out the objective: no more question of “ regularization » or « pacification » more than « secure situations » et « stabilize the land situation ” on ” existing buildings “. Buildings that have been squatted for fifteen years, let us remember. And the daily then clarified: “ As for the rest of the occupants of the former ZAD, including groups of wandering people (sic), the department is toying with the idea of ​​housing them on site, with agricultural social housing. »

Because the occupiers continue to multiply, which is denounced by the mayors who, for months, have been demanding “ the evacuation of residents with no agricultural projects having erected cabins without a permit, squatting in existing buildings without authorization, or living in caravans or yurts “. And to denounce illegal connections to the electricity network, water, illegal dumping, etc. This in a wetland that all this circus was supposed to protect…

But here we are in , a country where, lacking the courage to tackle illegal occupations, we prefer to make them legal!

“We don’t know who is behind it”

Asked by Jean-Paul Naud, the mayor (without label) of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, protests: “ They want to regularize buildings for non-farmers, and then they want to ask us for building permits for farmers. (the famous agricultural social housing cited above, Editor’s note). What we want is for existing buildings to be renovated of course, and reserved for farmers who have environmental leases. » He continues: “ We have a lot of irregularities in these buildings. I even sent the file to the ARS of Pays-de-la-Loire. » Gwënola Franco, mayor of Vigneux-de-Bretagne, emphasizes that the leases were signed with associations and not individuals as was the case during the regularization of farmers in 2019. Everyone, then, was required to present a viable project. None of that today, but, she said, “we don’t know who is behind it ».

However, we have a little idea. Indeed, as Emmanuelle Ducros recalled this Wednesday morning, on Europe 1: “ The intelligence services also agree that this ZAD is a place of reception and retreat for black blocks and violent activists from all over Europe. Those we then find in the banned demonstrations which degenerate “. This is also the headquarters of the Earth Uprisings.

So, what does Mr. Retailleau, our new Minister of the Interior and former president of the region, say, who, in 2018, declared: “ It is an error on the part of the government to have imagined that it could discuss with the Zadists » ?

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