TPG: After Troinex, Veyrier votes on the new bus line 49

TPG: After Troinex, Veyrier votes on the new bus line 49
TPG: After Troinex, Veyrier votes on the new bus line 49

The future TPG line 49 is the subject of a new vote, after the vote in favor of Troinex in 2022. The citizens of Veyrier must vote on June 9 on a credit of 396,000 francs for ad hoc road developments, attacked by referendum.

The future line 49 of Geneva Public Transport is under vote in Veyrier, following a referendum against the credit of 396,000 francs for ad hoc road developments (illustration).


As in Troinex, the route of the future line which should connect Veyrier to the Léman Express station at Lancy-Bachet is contested. The referendum committee, namely the Veyrier-Rasses-Marais Association, considers it “aberrant” to pass the bus on the Chemins des Rasses and Bois-Gourmand, located in the 30 km/h zone and used daily by hundreds of people. children on bikes.

The referendaries also criticize the fact that this route requires the creation of new developments, while those which are there are only four years old and have cost more than 4 million francs. The authorities indicate that half of the credit of 396,000 francs is intended for carrying out the judgments. According to them, the arrival of this electric bus will not cause additional nuisance.

Consequences at Troinex

The route of this new line aims to comply with the legal provisions according to which each resident in an urban area must have a bus stop less than 300 meters from their home. In the event of refusal at the ballot boxes, the line will be abandoned and a new offer will not be developed before the 2028-2032 public transport action plan, warns the City.

The consequences of a refusal will be felt in Troinex, where the population said “yes” to this new line in 2022. In the event of acceptance on June 9, its realization will however depend on an acoustic study ordered by the courts after the appeal of the Troinesians. The results should come in the coming months.

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