Bigflo and Oli after their visit to Ardèche: “There are really…

Bigflo and Oli after their visit to Ardèche: “There are really…
Bigflo and Oli after their visit to Ardèche: “There are really…

Very busy this summer, especially with the recent release of the video for “Dernier”, Bigflo and Oli are performing concerts across France. Their visit to Ardèche was particularly significant, and they wanted to send a special message to this department dear to their hearts.

A Busy Summer for Bigflo and Oli

The years pass, but Bigflo and Oli continue to seduce their audience. Still as popular after more than a decade on stage, the Toulouse brothers are having a busy summer period. In addition to the organization of the second edition of the “Rose Festival” in September, the duo has planned around twenty concert dates until the end of 2023. The pace is intense, but the two artists remain motivated .

The Message from Bigflo and Oli before their visit to Ardèche

On Friday June 30, Bigflo and Oli performed at the Aluna festival in Ruoms, in Ardèche. This return to this stage was special for them, having already played there in 2018. Before the concert, they shared their impressions with Le Dauphiné.

Oli expressed his joy at returning: “There are festivals that we remember, and Aluna is one of them thanks to its beautiful and unique setting. In 2018, we gave a big concert there. This time we come back with even more experience, so we are very happy. »

Bigflo also highlighted the special atmosphere of Aluna: “Being in the middle of the forest is quite rare for a festival. It’s very pleasant, especially for natives of the South-West like us. »

A Special Place for Bigflo and Oli

Ardèche, often unknown and sometimes underestimated, is a place where Bigflo and Oli like to perform. Their dedication to this department is evident, and they hope that clips from their June 30 concert will soon be available online to share the moment with their fans.

In the meantime, let’s remember their performance in 2018, which had already left a lasting impression. The Aluna festival, with its enchanting setting, remains one of the duo’s favorite places.

An Unforgettable Memory

Bigflo and Oli continue to make an impression with their concerts. Their visit to Ardèche, full of emotions and memories, is a perfect example. They demonstrate once again that, despite a busy schedule, they remain connected to their roots and their audience. Fans are eagerly awaiting new images from this memorable concert, hoping to relive these magical moments through their screens.

