Switzerland – EU: Opposition of EU member states to Swiss exceptions

Switzerland – EU: Opposition of EU member states to Swiss exceptions
Switzerland – EU: Opposition of EU member states to Swiss exceptions
The European Commission informed member states this Tuesday in Luxembourg of the state of negotiations between Switzerland and the EU (Archives).


There is “no Europe à la carte”, declared the Luxembourg Deputy Prime Minister on Tuesday in Luxembourg, where the European Commission is informing member states on the state of negotiations with Berne. “We have common rules which also apply to Switzerland.”

The difficulties in the negotiations between Switzerland and the EU lie in the details, said Luxembourg Minister Xavier Bettel before the meeting. And the Swedish Minister for European Affairs, Jessica Rosencrantz, added that, for her country, the integrity of the internal market must be preserved. “Without exception,” she said, referring to the question of the free movement of people.

French Minister Benjamin Haddad also insisted on respecting the freedoms of the internal market. As for the German State Secretary for the Economy and Climate Protection, Sven Giegold, he noted “the importance of renewing all agreements, because cooperation cannot work with treaties dating back several decades”.

razw, ats




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