Make an appointment with nature! – Seine-Saint-Denis

Since its creation, the Department of Seine-Saint-Denis has led a proactive policy in favor of improving the living environment of residents and the ecological transition. With more than 2,500 species of plants, animals and mushrooms recorded, its six parks have obtained the Natura 2000 classification. Particular attention is paid to the ecological management of the sites: late mowing, spaces left in meadows, development for birds and insects, etc.

For the 18th edition of the Nature Festival from May 22 to 26, families will be offered a host of free activities to celebrate spring and the living things that surround them.

A rich program

“The service agents of the six departmental parks, in partnership with associations or other service providers, have planned a lot of educational, artistic, fun – and even culinary – activities around fauna and flora” explains Antoine Chavry, deputy head of office at the Directorate of Nature, Landscapes and Biodiversity (DNPB). “There will be something for all tastes and for all generations…”.

Families are invited to put on their sneakers to discover:

At the Poudrerie forest park – Sevran Livry-Gargan

At the Haute-Île park – Neuilly-sur-Marne

At Jean-Moulin Park – Les Guilands – Bagnolet

May 25

Among the departmental agents, an environmental educator and three study managers will lead walks open to all to meet birds, snails, butterflies …

At the Fosse-Maussoin park – Clichy-sous-Bois

May 25

At Sausset Park – Aulnay-sous-Bois

May 25, 2024

May 26, 2024

At the Île-Saint-Denis park

May 26

This program, which promotes participatory science, also offers entertaining moments for the youngest with a show of pirates flooded by marine pollution, a life-size investigation imagined by the French Office for Biodiversity (environmental police), a creative animation with a ceramic artist…

These workshops were designed by agents of the DNPB and representatives of associations such as 193 Soleil, the League for the Protection of Birds, the educational collective ArkeoFabrik, the street theater troupe Les Anthropologues, etc.

These professionals will undoubtedly encourage the most motivated to participate in their free time in participatory science programs developed by the Departmental Observatory of Urban Biodiversity. “In doing so, you can, for example, contribute to the census of biodiversity from your balcony by photographing the insects that surround you and sending them to our database” explains Erwan Bielle, environmental educator at the DNPB. “The participants will benefit from training with scientists and will be able to have a real impact on the regeneration of nature.”

A way to get involved as citizens for the preservation of the planet and the renewal of species.
In these times of crisis, they will be grateful to you!

Free Nature Festival activities upon registration – Groups limited to 30 people

Information and reservations on

The facilitators of these nature workshops will provide you with observation equipment if necessary (binoculars, insect magnifying glasses, identification flyers, etc.).




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