the “Les Crapauds” mountain bike race in Rozérieulles is canceled

the “Les Crapauds” mountain bike race in Rozérieulles is canceled
the “Les Crapauds” mountain bike race in Rozérieulles is canceled

The 34th edition of the legendary Crapauds mountain bike race, in the metropolis of Metz, is canceled. We learned of the organizers’ decision this Friday, May 17. The race was to be held this weekend of May 18 and 19, with a monumental party on Saturday evening. For the first time since 1988, the weather got the better of the passion of mountain bikers. This event, which takes place every spring on the slopes of Moselle near Rozérieulles, is a 24-hour race with a minimum of sleep.

Around 30,000 people (including less than 2000 on a mountain bike…) were expected. Described as the “Woodstock of mountain biking” in the 1990s by VTT Mag, the Crapauds had to give up due to questions of mud and the safety of the participants: a large part of the site, including the campsite, was inaccessible by car due to downpours. Friday water. “The area is classified Natura 2000”, remind the organizers. Impractical… Hard!

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