the diaspora at the heart of the transformation strategy

the diaspora at the heart of the transformation strategy
the diaspora at the heart of the transformation strategy

The Senegalese diaspora constitutes one of the driving forces in the economic and social development of the country. Every year, billions of FCFA are repatriated to Senegal by this community living abroad. This contribution is so representative that it can no longer be underestimated in the economic and social fabric.

Thus, in the Senegal 2050 strategic plan document, there is talk of mobilizing the Senegalese diaspora. Which, according to the authorities, represents a major strategic opportunity.
Also, the Senegalese government seems to indicate, “this mobilization requires the implementation of inclusive and effective public policies in order to take full advantage of the skills and resources of the diaspora.

Furthermore, it is underlined, in the document the achievement of this objective will involve: “(i) strengthening interactions between the diaspora and the government, (ii) encouraging the diaspora to contribute to the national development effort, (iii) encouraging the return of brains and promoting transfers of knowledge and skills from the diaspora and (iv) supporting the diaspora for the development of decentralized cooperation.

Reduction of social inequalities thanks to the diaspora

In addition to its financial contribution to the economic fabric, the diaspora is also called upon to participate in reducing social inequalities. To this end, the strategic document reveals: “(i) establishment of support programs for vulnerable populations financed by the diaspora; (ii) facilitation of the participation of the diaspora in the implementation of social programs (education, health, social protection, etc.) and (iii) the promotion of community development projects supported by the diaspora.

Strengthening entrepreneurship through diaspora investment

As part of the implementation of this policy, the new authorities have insisted on certain aspects. Which were the subject of recommendations in the document. These include: (i) encouraging the diaspora to create and invest in Senegalese businesses; (ii) strengthen entrepreneurship support funds for the benefit of the diaspora; (iii) put in place appropriate frameworks to support the diaspora (advice and guidance) on entrepreneurship and national investment; (iv) facilitate access to financing for young entrepreneurs; (v) organize frameworks for dialogue with the diaspora; and (vi) encourage the diaspora to contribute to the financing of priority projects.

Through this wink, the diaspora is therefore called upon to play a central role in the transformation and consolidation of the economic and social fabric. In the Senegal 2050 strategic document, it is placed at the heart of this transformation system, planned by the government.



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