Museum Night 2024 at the Police Prefecture Museum in Paris: unusual family activities

Museum Night 2024 at the Police Prefecture Museum in Paris: unusual family activities
Museum Night 2024 at the Police Prefecture Museum in Paris: unusual family activities

On the occasion of Museum Night 2024, the Police Prefecture Museum invites us to discover behind the scenes of the Parisian police this Saturday, May 18, 2024 in Paris. A unique program of unusual and family entertainment awaits us for the occasion. Discover the details of the programming.

THE Police Prefecture Museum participates in the Museum Night 2024planned this Saturday May 18. This museum, imagined in 1909 by the Prefect Louis Lépine, brings together more than four centuries of Police history, in 300m² of collections. If one gallery looks at the notions of crime and punishment from the Ancien Régime until the abolition of the death penalty in 1981, another space presents the professions of the Police Prefecture!

THE Police Prefecture Museum is the opportunity to relive the most famous affairs of France through the stories of four centuries of bloody crimes, attacks and political assassinations; regicides, blood crimes, murders by poison, trickery or scams… The museum portrays the biggest brutal criminals who never stop talking, as evidenced by the natural portrait of Cartouche in his prison!

On the program for Museum Night 2024 at the Musée de la Préfecture de Police in Paris

  • Crime at the museum: will you be able to solve the investigation?
    Saturday May 18, 3:30 p.m.

    Three women entered the police station to access the museum by dropping off their identity cards. A fourth entered and passed without giving her card. The next day, the museum manager, arriving at the museum, discovered the lifeless body of one of them, in the technical and scientific police room, next to the seats, a Browning 1900 pistol placed on one of the seats. On the ground are glasses and a broken heel.

    Who is this young woman? What could have happened to him? A murder ? But then who and why? A suicide?

    This investigation offered to children is based on learning techniques for identifying victims and criminals by transmitting the history and evolution of technical and scientific policing.

  • Let’s play by the rules!
    Saturday May 18, 4:00 p.m.

    As part of the exhibition “Police and sport: esprit de corps, culture of the body”, presented at the Police Prefecture Museum from March 7 to September 22, 2024, come discover and understand how the Parisian police act to ensure that events sports remains a moment of celebration! During this activity, you will discover the role of police officers in and around stadiums, in the fight against dangerous betting, but also against doping.

  • Autopsy of a judicial investigation at the criminal brigade
    Saturday May 18, 5:00 p.m., 8:30 p.m.

    A former commander of the Paris Criminal Brigade will present to you the progress of a judicial investigation through emblematic cases from the 1980s to the present day.

  • Presentation of the exhibition “Police and sport: esprit de corps, culture of the body”
    Saturday May 18, 9:00 p.m.

    Come and discover how the place of sport has gradually increased within our society and how the police must get involved in supervising sporting events to ensure everyone’s safety but also in controlling abuses such as betting. athletes or doping. This conference also shows how sport is a factor of cohesion and vector of social integration.

In short, this is a great opportunity to discover more about this institution which works on a daily basis in the lives of Parisians. Good Night from the Museums!


