Stray cats: faced with the phenomenon, this village in Orne takes a radical decision

Stray cats: faced with the phenomenon, this village in Orne takes a radical decision
Stray cats: faced with the phenomenon, this village in Orne takes a radical decision


Romain Michel

Published on

May 16, 2024 at 6:15 p.m.

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“A pair of unsterilized cats can theoretically produce offspring of more than 20,000 individuals in four years. » The figure seems so impressive that the Athis-Val-de-Rouvre municipal council questioned the accuracy of the information.

“It was the associations who calculated this,” says Alain Lange, the mayor.

The phenomenon of stray cats

During the municipal meeting, Tuesday April 30, 2024, elected officials voted to sign the agreement with the 30 Million Friends Foundation and the payment of a contribution of €450 for the campaign.

In fact, around ten cats will undergo sterilization in the town.

Athis-Val-de-Rouvre recognizes the phenomenon of stray cats : “the management of stray cats is delicate and it is imperative to manage their populations by controlling their proliferation,” explains the municipality.

Only one solution, sterilization

Faced with this observation, only one solution seems effective: sterilization.

“Born from the observation that euthanasia or the movement of cat colonies is ineffective against proliferation, this practice, recognized by all world expertsand in particular those of the World Health Organization, respects the sensitivity of our fellow citizens regarding the lives of companion animals,” specifies the text.

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A budget of €450 for the municipality

To implement this project, it is necessary to sign a convention with the 30 million friends foundation. It will be divided into three chapters which “set the commitments of each party and the financial terms, knowing that the foundation covers 50% of the sterilization costs. »

The fees are €100 for females, €80 for males, and €120 for pregnant females.

“The other half of the costs of sterilization and identification by electronic chip will be borne by the town hall. » This action represents a budget of €450.

“It’s a trial period, we reserve the right to stop,” concluded Alain Lange.

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