Economy: Payerne is moving forward with its airport zone

Economy: Payerne is moving forward with its airport zone
Economy: Payerne is moving forward with its airport zone

Payerne is moving forward with its Aéropôle zone

Despite the financial problems of the company operating the technology park, the Municipality will launch a study on the development of the site.

Published today at 08:57

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Despite the six opposing voices, coming from the ranks of the UDC, the PLR ​​and the PSIP, Payerne can move forward in the development of a new master plan of its Aéropôle areas. On Thursday, the Municipal Council largely validated a study loan of 366,000 francs (39 yes). The study should notably make it possible to create two access roads to the north and south of the strategic site to separate vehicle and aircraft traffic.

While the accounts of swiss aeropole SA (SASA) are still not in balance, almost 10 million new francs could be invested on the site. It also involves demolishing the Belle-Ferme buildings, reviewing underground infrastructure, building a silo parking lot or installing a security barrier. So many costs that worried Roland Bucher. “The Municipality warns in the notice that it must provide solutions for a SASA remuneration. We’re coming to the end of the year, and it’s still not done. In these circumstances, it is surprising that SASA is giving directives,” sighs the PLR ​​advisor.

Risk of rezoning

Payerne trustee, Eric Küng responded that the development of a new five-year business plan was delayed. So community support too. “It’s an opportunity for the city to benefit from this land. If we stop developing them now, there is a risk of rezoning,” underlines the one who sits on the board of directors of SASA. And to add that another municipal notice will soon be issued on the valorization of surfaces through distinct and permanent rights instead of sales.

“The commission wishes to support the development of these Aéropôle zones which are so important for the Payer and Broyard economies,” mentioned Alexandre Godel (PLR), for the Technical Commission. While regretting the lack of municipal vision. Arguments which were ultimately largely convincing.


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Sébastien Galliker has been a journalist in the Vaud section since 2017. At the Payerne office, he covers news from Broye Vaud and Fribourg. A journalist since 2000, he has worked at La Broye Hebdo, in sports and in the region.More info @sebgalliker

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