Haut Vaucluse: the Souco de Derboux association is threatened with extinction

Haut Vaucluse: the Souco de Derboux association is threatened with extinction
Haut Vaucluse: the Souco de Derboux association is threatened with extinction

Created in May 1994, La Souco (La Souche) de Derboux is preparing to celebrate its 30th anniversary. But this beautiful longevity is today threatened with extinction. The reasons ? Shortness of breath among volunteers, constraints during the health crisis, internal quarrels and the resignation of president Nadine Portalier in August 2022.

Very attached to the hamlet, Dominique Naud, a very active member of the council, then took over. But the task becomes difficult. Already last year, the latter wanted reinforcement. Today, he reiterates his SOS. “My morale is down. Pessimism is taking hold. If, by the end of the year, there is no reinforcement on the board of directors, we could close the financial year with the dissolution of Souco I really do not want to reach that point. But of the five current members of the council, three do not wish to continue in 2025. I am launching a final appeal to the lovers of our dear hamlet to form and relaunch a new one. friendly dynamic, thanks to municipal support and a large covered space for a multitude of activities continuing to make Derboux a festive and cultural destination.”


Those interested can call 07 83 80 46 92.

The 2024 agenda of Souco de Derboux

> Sunday June 2: Souco celebrates its 30th anniversary. Country meal and concert by Barbara Deschamps at the Saint-Pierre chapel.

> Saturday August 3: hamlet of Derboux celebrating. Country meal and dancing evening hosted by Alan Flor.

> Sunday September 22: heritage day, various activities, concert with the Duo Symbiose in the chapel.

> Saturday November 23: new wine festival (subject to reservation).

> Saturday December 14: Christmas celebration (subject to reservation).




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