A bowling alley of more than 1,000 m2 inaugurated in this Cotentin town

A bowling alley of more than 1,000 m2 inaugurated in this Cotentin town
A bowling alley of more than 1,000 m2 inaugurated in this Cotentin town


Editorial La Presse de la Manche

Published on

May 15, 2024 at 8:48 a.m.

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A few weeks ago, La Presse de la Manche presented the project of a bowling alley and the new association Montebourg (Manche) pétanque.

This time, everything is ready, Michel Roussel, the president, and his team have just organized theground inauguration pétanque, installed at the Docteur-Le Cacheux stadium.

An inauguration in the presence of Jean-Pierre Mauquest, the mayor, Jean-Marie Cottebrune, deputy treasurer of the departmental committee of the French Federation of Pétanque and Provencal Games (FFPJP), and Roger Gérard, general treasurer.

The mayor of Montebourg (Manche) notably inaugurated the field with a first part. ©Claudine KEMPF

Among the other people present, some came to get information about becoming a member, like Claude and his wife: “I need to do an activity to get moving. I like pétanque and I used to do it. »

A seven-month job

After discovering the extent of the grounds, the president of Montebourg pétanque invited the mayor to cut the symbolic ribbon. “The idea for this bowling alley came from Greg, who told me that I was no longer doing anything at the associative level and that I could get back into it by creating this pétanque court. For 7 months, I have been looking for patrons and partners,” says Michel Roussel.

Description of the land and practical information

With a surface area of ​​1,200 m2, the new bowling alley installed near the Docteur-Le Cacheux stadium has no less than thirteen courts of 15 x 4 m as well as four courts of 13 x 3 m.
Regarding membership cards, the price is €50 per year for recreational pétanque and €55 for FFPJP licensees.
“The club is open to all ages, there is no need for a medical certificate,” explained Michel Roussel. We will provide hours for registrations, you will find details on our Facebook page for the dates. »

Different sections will be set up: leisure, young people, FFPJP licensees and disabled pétanque. “There will need to be a manager for each section. We are expecting as many licensees as possible,” says the president.

“Congratulations to the president for putting this associative activity in place. Thanks to everyone who donated their time. I would like to point out that the municipality did not participate in the financing,” indicates the mayor.

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“Thank you for starting a new club in the Channel. Welcome to new licensees. The advantage of Montebourg is that it is central. Good and long life to pétanque”, conclude the representatives of the Fédé.

From our correspondent Claudine KEMPF

Agenda: an office will take place at the bowling alley this Saturday, May 18, 2024, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

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