Strike: Feminist mobilization will be in the streets on June 14

Strike: Feminist mobilization will be in the streets on June 14
Strike: Feminist mobilization will be in the streets on June 14

Women will take to the streets on June 14. © Jean-Baptiste Morel – archive

Women will take to the streets on June 14. © Jean-Baptiste Morel – archive

“Proud, reverent and angry, we will strike on June 14, 2024!” The collective of the Friborg Feminist Strike is calling for a new mobilization one month before the demonstration which will be held from 5 p.m. on Place Georges-Python in Fribourg, renamed for the occasion “Place Georgette-Pythonne”.

The feminist group of the Public Services Union (SSP) also sent an open letter to the Council of State to remind it of the promises which, according to the collective, have not been kept since last year. Indeed, he explains in his missive that he has been waiting for responses to demands since mid-April without them having reached him. “Almost a year after June 14, 2023, the Council of State does not take its own commitments seriously, and shows disinterest, even total contempt, for feminist issues,” writes the affiliated group at the SSP.

Three major demands

Feminist associations will therefore once again take to the streets to bring forward their many demands. Starting with the end of wage inequalities. They believe that the Equality Act is ineffective, because “48% of the salary difference between women and men is unexplained and therefore discriminatory”, underline the groups, pointing to figures from the Federal Statistical Office. They will also demonstrate against transphobia by demanding an action plan be put in place. They will also support Palestine in the war between it and Israel.

