Paris: an infant forgotten in a car, his mother arrested

Paris: an infant forgotten in a car, his mother arrested
Paris: an infant forgotten in a car, his mother arrested

A mother forgot her baby in her car for almost an hour this Friday afternoon in Paris (15th century). The baby, who was examined by a doctor, is doing well. The mother, who reported herself to the police, was arrested for “abandonment of a minor” and taken to the district police station. She was to be interviewed by an investigator.

It was 4:05 p.m. this Friday when a passerby noticed that a baby was alone in a car parked in a parking lot on Boulevard de Grenelle. He looks around to see if his parents are there. But this is not the case. So he picks up his phone and calls the fire department. A crew quickly went to the scene and discovered the child, who was on a baby seat, crying in a Citroën Picasso. The vehicle is locked.

According to a police Source, the rescuers ended up breaking a window to open a door and take care of the little victim. When the temperature is above 26°C in a car, a baby can die within ten minutes.

The infant did not suffer from hyperthermia, according to initial examinations. The police went to the scene to try to identify the parents. The mother reported herself to them. According to the same Source, she did not know or want to specify how long the baby had been alone in the car. But by using public highway video surveillance images, officials were able to establish that the driver had parked at 3:24 p.m.

We do not know what possible legal action was taken following the mother’s hearing. Contacted this Saturday morning, the prosecution was not able to answer us.

Ilana Waserscztajn, clinical psychologist in Paris, called for “humanism”, when she was questioned in 2022 by our colleagues from on the “forgotten baby” syndrome. “There are three poisons of thought: judgment, comparison, and interpretation,” she analyzed. And the human being is a specialist in these three areas. Parents see it as a failed act as a lack of interest or love for their child when it is a psychological or even neurological mechanism. »



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