Lysis at the Théâtre du Nouveau Monde

Lysis at the Théâtre du Nouveau Monde
Lysis at the Théâtre du Nouveau Monde

Lysis is a modern and feminist play. She follows the line of the #metoo (#metoo) denunciation movement. In this play, Lysis, a researcher for a large corporation, but also an activist, tries to improve things for the women of the present as well as those of the future. It is the director and artistic director of the Théâtre du Nouveau Monde, Lorraine Pintal, who is at the origin of this creation. She called on Fanny Britt and Alexia Bürger to write the text. Lysis is presented until June 1, 2024.

The play highlights problems affecting contemporary women: male intimidation in the professional environment or even more or less harmless misogynistic comments. The play does not forget to point out that for many generations women have not been respected in predominantly male environments, that they must step aside, endure and fight silently in the hope of a more equitable future. . In order to make themselves heard and improve their living conditions, a group of activists decides to go on a reproduction strike, at the same time showing the men of the world that women are essential to the survival of the human species. Despite contemporary characters, locations and themes, the audience seems to be witnessing a modernized version of an ancient play.

Ancient Greece and modern Quebec

The play seems to follow the model of ancient tragedies and comedies. The prologue and some passages of the play are pronounced in unison by the actors, as the choruses did in ancient theater. Originally, in Greek tragedies, it was serious subjects dealing with good and evil that posed moral questions, and there were often tragic dilemmas with no outcome. Here, the subject studied in this way is the place of women in male professional circles, and more broadly, in the world.

The main character’s first name, Lysis, and the idea of ​​a strike led by women, come from the ancient Greek comedy play. Lysistrata, written by Aristophanes. This comedy is not the only ancient reference behind the creation of Lysis. Lorraine Pintal also found inspiration in tragedy Electra, written by Sophocles at the same time as Lysistrata.

Although many references are made to ancient theater, the play takes place in Quebec in the 21st century: women have more rights than in the period of ancient Greece, the province is governed by a prime minister, the characters s express using Quebec expressions, anglicisms, modern language…

The mix between these two eras is interesting. It shows that although many things have changed, certain issues or ways of expressing oneself remain. The parallel with the play Lysistratain which women revolt, go on strike and take power in place of men, shows that questions about the place of women in a patriarchal ruled world were already asked several centuries ago on another continent.

The revolution, its organization and its limits

Women’s rights and respect are not the only issues addressed in the play, although it is the main theme. The play also explores ways of showing disagreement with society: should we make a revolution? Trying to change things from within?

The question of pacification is also raised. Is it possible to change things without violence, without collateral damage? What is the limit, when does a movement go too far? All these questions show the complexity behind the desire to change the world. The play also demonstrates that finding agreement and balance in these struggles can be difficult. How can a movement move forward and continue when its members cannot agree? How can we fight for all women without neglecting our own needs and desires? The play asks these interesting questions that aren’t raised that often.

The play also seeks to demonstrate that the human species could not exist or continue without women, and yet they get little recognition for this. The message that the play seeks to convey, although very important in today’s world, is sometimes a little too direct and lacks subtlety. This, however, allows him to be clear and leave no doubt about the intentions of the piece.

The room Lysis tells an interesting story that addresses important topics both for contemporary society and for future or past generations. The simple and refined staging allows the audience to be shown clearly and effectively the places and times in which the characters live. Lysis is on view at the Théâtre du Nouveau Monde until June 1, 2024.

