SENEGAL-FRANCE-MEMOIRE / Paris: a tribute to soldiers Sidy Ahmed Sy and Serigne Fallou Fall “died for France” – Senegalese press agency

Dakar, May 10 (APS) – The French capital hosted a tribute ceremony on Wednesday for the two Senegalese riflemen Sidy Ahmed Sy and Serigne Fallou Fall, on the occasion of the celebration of the unknown soldier under the Arc de Triumph in Paris, we learned from a press release from religious families.

Eldest son of El Hadj Malick Sy, one of the cantors of the Tidiane brotherhood in Senegal, Sidy Ahmed Sy and Serigne Fallou Fall, sons of the famous companion of the founder of the Mouride brotherhood, Cheikh Ibrahima Fall, died during the First World War in the ranks of the French army.

In addition to representatives of the two religious families, the Ambassador of Senegal in Paris, El Hadji Magatte Sèye and members of the Senegalese community in France took part in the tribute ceremony during which the courage and sacrifice of those who died in name of freedom have been widely revisited. The participants carried out the traditional laying of flowers under the Arc de Triomphe.

Celebrated on May 8 each year, the tomb of the unknown soldier symbolizes, “from the depths of his tomb under the Arc de Triomphe, the men who died in combat for France”, we can read on the Arc website of Triumph.

The grave, surrounded by black metal markers linked together by chains, is made up of a slab of granite and ledge on which is inscribed the epitaph: “Here lies a French soldier who died for the Fatherland, 1914-1918” .





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