“Senegal is on the verge of disaster…”

On the front page of the newspapers this Friday, May 10, 2024, the runway excursion of a Transair plane chartered by Air Senegal at Blaise Diagne International Airport (AIBD) in Diass and the directives of the Head of State, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, during the Council of Ministers last Wednesday, to preserve fisheries resources…

Air Senegal flight HC301 operated by Transair, APS recalls, left the runway on takeoff from AIBD airport following a stop acceleration, on Thursday May 9, 2024 at 1:14 a.m.

This flight, bound for Bamako, had 85 people on board including 79 passengers, 2 pilots and 4 cabin crew members, indicates a press release from the Ministry of Infrastructure, Land and Air Transport.

”Senegal is on the verge of catastrophe”, displays L’Info. The newspaper underlines that “the Transair Boeing 737-300, operating Air Senegal flight HC 301, to Bamako in Mali, went off the runway, with one of the engines on fire”.

”Of the 78 passengers on board, 11 were injured, including 4 seriously, among them one of the pilots,” the publication said, adding that ”the AIBD was subsequently closed for several hours, with flights delayed and others diverted to Banjul (Gambia) and Bissau (Guinea Bissau)”.

The publication announces that “a crisis committee has been set in motion and the Bureau of Investigation and Analysis (BEA) has opened an investigation to determine the causes of the accident”.

“The worst brush at the AIBD”, headlines Le Soleil, which reports that “the exit from the runway of a Transair plane yesterday, at the Blaise Diagne international airport in Diass, injured 11 people, including 4 seriously” .

AIBD traffic “blocked for hours, has resumed,” notes the national daily.

“Big panic at the AIBD, a human tragedy narrowly avoided”, displays Les Echos. ”More fear than harm yesterday at the AIBD. The B737/300 type aircraft chartered by Air Senegal from the company Transair, came to rest outside threshold 19 of the runway,” the newspaper specifies. “A hydraulic failure is believed to be the cause of the incident,” writes Les Echos.

”The investigation and analysis office (BEA) [est] responsible for investigating to determine the causes of the accident. All the injured released, only the co-pilot is still in hospital because of a fracture,” reports the newspaper.

“Big scare!” at the AIBD, exclaims Le Quotidien.

According to the newspaper, “flight HC 301, chartered by Air Senegal from the company Transair, stopped outside threshold 19 of the runway. The incident, which occurred yesterday around 1 a.m., left 11 injured, including 4 seriously, including the pilot.

“Night of panic at the AIBD: 1O injured in the accident of a Boeing 737”, displays on its front page Vox Populi. The publication informs that “the aircraft, a Boeing 737-300 registered (…), acquired in 1994 by the Romanian national company Tarom, (…) is 30 years old”.

Exit from the runway of a Transair plane rented by Air Senegal “big scare at the AIBD”, headlines Libération, while Bes Bi writes that “this Thursday around 1 a.m., there was panic at Blaise Diagne airport in Diass”.

”A Transair aircraft caught fire during takeoff. (…). The airport which was closed has however been reopened,” the publication adds. ”Panic on board!”, the newspaper exclaims on its front page.

Source A returned to ”the film of a nightmare”. ”After a first unsuccessful attempt, the plane missed its second takeoff, rising just a few millimeters before going off the runway,” the newspaper explains.

The publication adds that the choice of the Transair plane is justified “because the Air Senegal plane, which was to carry out the flight, was delayed and the Transair Boeing was chartered at the last minute”.

”Transair, the firefighter on duty, has carried out most of Air Senegal’s flights over the last 4 months in the sub-region,” reports the publication.

WalfQuotidien highlights ”the reasons for the accident”, stressing that ”a hydraulic failure during the acceleration phase would be the cause of the accident”.

The daily newspapers are also interested in the measures taken last Wednesday in the Council of Ministers by the President of the Republic, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, to preserve fishing resources and revive artisanal fishing.

”On the occasion of the last Council of Ministers which was held the day before yesterday, the President of the Republic asked his government to work on the revision of the Maritime Fisheries Code in order to guarantee transparency and survival of the sector heavily damaged. He also called for the audit of the Senegalese flag and the evaluation of fishing agreements with the aim of preserving fishery resources,” reports EnQuête.

”Diomaye audits everything”, headlines the newspaper. “Diomaye takes the +fish+ by the head”, displays L’As. The newspaper mentions that the “Head of State called the day before yesterday in the Council of Ministers, for the revision of the Maritime Fisheries Code and its rigorous application”.

”The President of the Republic also requested the audit of the Senegalese flag and the evaluation of fishing agreements and licenses,” notes the daily.

Safeguarding fishery resources and artisanal fisheries ”the State forces passage”, headline Sud Quotidien.

The newspaper reports that “the new President of the Republic, Bassirou Diomaye Faye is determined to ensure transparency in the management of fisheries resources in Senegal. After the publication of the list of vessels authorized to fish in Senegalese waters, an old demand from fishing stakeholders, he gave firm directives to his government.

“These include, among other things, the revision of the Maritime Fisheries Code and its rigorous application, the audit of the Senegalese flag and the evaluation of fishing agreements and licenses,” writes the publication.


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