Santa Teresa 2024 – Day 1

Santa Teresa launched its eighth edition this Thursday by integrating a comedy evening into its programming for the first time. Without being an unmissable spectacle, the pleasant Soly Teresahosted by Arnaud Soly, brought together comedians combining music and comedy in their acts.

Not much to get your teeth into for this first day of Santa Teresa: a karaoke evening with Louis Brousseau, the performance of a DJ, the recording of a live podcast by Brick & Brack and therefore, finally, Soly Teresathe centerpiece of the opening night.

The arrival at Sainte-Thérèse leaves a little to be desired: at 7:25 p.m., dozens and dozens of people are still waiting to access the Grosse Scène site even though the show is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Soly Teresa finally starts 15 minutes late: not dramatic at all, but we know, this kind of event never delights festival programmers. Especially when Soly Teresa is in itself the only authentic show of the evening on the Grosse Scène site.

*Photo by happy content.

Laugh in key ground

Great start for Soly Teresa : the popular comedian wins the stage by playing the transverse flute, before breaking his instrument a few seconds later by hitting it on the ground. “That flute was worth 3,000 piasses,” he said. Arnaud Soly continues by explaining that the show brings together “jokes not good enough to end up in stand-up, and tunes not good enough to end up on albums. »

“The best of both worlds,” adds the Montreal comedian.

Arnaud Soly continues by singing two songs with rather comical lyrics, before assuming his role as host for the rest of the evening.

*Photo by happy content.

In total, five comedians will follow one another on stage: the numbers are not necessarily equal. Daphné Létourneau, first guest, amuses the gallery very little through her imitation of Édith Piaf singing Les Colocs, her song to respond to day camp or her cover ofHellowhere Adèle’s words are replaced by a hymn to her dog.

Julien Corriveau, member of the Appendices and major collaborator of Club Soly, quickly raises the level through his funny and much more inventive compositions. His song about his misadventure in the toilets of the restaurant Toqué! is both hilarious and disgusting. Let’s remember that Corriveau is also a musician, and notably released an instrumental album (seriously) in 2020: he leaves with a head start this evening, let’s say.

Mona from Grenoble, comedian and drag queencontinues with a funny and grating sketch at the same time, denouncing the conservative vision of homosexuality through the absurd story of an invasion of drag queens soldiers, before giving way to Maude Landry and her “rock’n’roll” songs, in her own words, with terribly heady earworms.

Then comes the sensation of the evening, the one that a good part of Santa Teresa is impatiently awaiting today: Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais.

*Photo by happy content.

Difficult to shine in Soly Teresa in 10-15 minutes per passage, difficult to insert effective jokes into your act while respecting the musical concept of the proposal. Except for Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais, who seems to have become a master of the subject in recent years. The comedian, winner of the Olivier of the Year in 2023, is charismatic and at ease on stage, and without a doubt offers the most pleasant segment of the evening. We suspected it from the announcement of the programming, in fact, that PY RD was going to be excellent during the show, the one who made us laugh and smile so much during this dark pandemic period that we are all trying to forget.

To close this first edition of Soly Teresanone other than Koriass takes to the stage to recreate the succulent live compliment battle that he had held with Arnaud Soly in 2022. The Montreal rapper continues by performing his recent song Springand obviously its essential Five to seven. The curtains fall.

Soly Teresa will perhaps not go down in the annals of the festival, with hindsight we touch on something relatively conventional, but for a first attempt, the effort remains more than honorable. The humor portion of Santa Teresa, without taking up too much space in future programming, could undoubtedly be repeated in order to bring a nice touch of variety to the spring event.

*Photo by happy content.

The beautiful stupidity

Think about your best evenings as a teenager. With your friends, around a fire or a table in the garden, all drunk. Is this clear? Where you tell each other bullshit after bullshit, where you tell yourself absolutely everything that comes into your head. Do you have it there?

Well this kind of moment was not only recreated in front of an audience by the very unique Brick & Brack, but it was also recorded and filmed as part of their podcast A country in the ear. Mona from Grenoble, presents two hours before to Soly Teresaacts as a guest.

Barely a hundred people are crammed into L’Urlu, a former Protestant church, attending sovereignist speeches (obviously), ribald discussions, bursts of “fuck, marry and kill” or karaoke segments. The kind of question thrown in to spice things up: “who would you be in the video Happy Birthday Kevin? » or even “which politician would do the best drag? “. They drink beer, they throw joints into the audience from the stage.

A crazy guilty pleasure.

*Photo by happy content.



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