Senegal is making progress in implementing WAEMU reforms | APAnews

Senegal is making progress in implementing WAEMU reforms | APAnews
Senegal is making progress in implementing WAEMU reforms | APAnews

The rate of implementation of reforms of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) by Dakar reached 77.5% in 2023, compared to 74.5% in 2022, an increase of 3 percentage points according to the Minister of Finance and Budget, Cheikh Diba.

Senegal is making progress in implementing the reforms of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA). According to the Minister of Finance and Budget, Cheikh Diba, the country achieved a rate of 77.5% in 2023, compared to 74.5% in 2022, an improvement of 3 percentage points.

This progression is explained in particular by the good performance recorded in reforms linked to economic governance, the common market and sectoral reforms. », declared Mr. Diba during the political phase of the 2023 UEMOA annual review.

Speaking on Friday in Dakar, during the political phase of the 2023 UEMOA annual review, Mr. Diba indicated that this encouraging result is the fruit of the efforts deployed by the various actors of the Senegalese administration, with the constant support from the highest authorities.

This improvement is explained by the performance recorded in the conduct of reforms relating to economic governance and convergence (+2.5 points), the common market (+5.7 points) and, to a lesser extent, sectoral reforms. (+1.1 points) », Specified the minister.

In total, 131 reforms and 7 community projects were examined during the technical phase of the review, which took place in Dakar from October 30 to November 2, 2023.

The minister praised the importance of these annual reviews initiated by UEMOA, which provide a framework for assessing the progress made and identifying the measures to be taken to consolidate performance and correct inadequacies.

They also allow public administrations to share successful experiences in terms of reforms, policies, programs and projects. », underlined Mr. Diba.

With regard to other Member States, the Minister indicated that significant progress has been made overall, while emphasizing the need to continue efforts, particularly in finalizing document validation processes and monitoring community programs.

Mr. Diba reaffirmed the commitment of the Senegalese government to take all necessary measures to consolidate the application of reforms and the execution of the Union’s policies and projects, under the leadership of the Organization Commission.

At the end of this political phase, the results will be presented to the Prime Minister during an audience with the President of the UEMOA Commission, Abdoulaye Diop, in the presence of the Minister of Finance.




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