He had drowned his dog in a pond in Haute-Vienne: the man confused by the animal’s electronic chip

He had drowned his dog in a pond in Haute-Vienne: the man confused by the animal’s electronic chip
He had drowned his dog in a pond in Haute-Vienne: the man confused by the animal’s electronic chip

This fisherman will long remember his discovery on March 23: in a private pond located in the town of Peyrilhac, in Haute-Vienne, he found the corpse of a Shih Tzu dog whose neck and front legs had been attached by a rope to a concrete block. Investigations by the gendarmerie have just established that the animal was still alive when it was thrown into the water…

Facilitated by the fact that the dog carried an electronic identification chip, the investigation made it possible to find the owner. The man, aged around fifty, was interviewed while in police custody, and ended up admitting the facts. He is being prosecuted for cruelty towards a domestic animal and will have to appear in court in September, under a criminal order. He faces 800 euros in fines and a three-year ban on keeping an animal.

The Brigitte Bardot Foundation will be present at the hearing: “We were alerted to this case by a gendarmerie officer and we immediately became a civil party. We do this systematically in cases of acts of cruelty and mistreatment of an animal. We have handed over the elements of the file to a lawyer and hope for a sentence commensurate with this act, the strongest sentence possible. In the texts, the penalty incurred can be up to 5 years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros, and with this order, the procedure has been simplified and the penalty determined in advance, to relieve congestion in the courts…” comments the foundation’s legal department.

Illegally held weapons and ammunition were also discovered at the defendant’s home, who will therefore also have to pay a fine of 500 euros. They have been confiscated and will be destroyed.



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