The Cooke Coast intersection transformed, but without the cycle path

The cycle path was to connect Rue Sainte-Marguerite to the Atikamekw linear park. The decision to exclude it from the intersection redevelopment project was taken in the fall of 2023. At the City, it is explained that the project was only reviewed for strictly financial reasons. Security issues weighed in the balance.

“On a technical level, it was difficult to achieve without it being dangerous for cyclists. We couldn’t just make it go down parallel to the roadway. There would have to be some slowdowns or another turn loop. It still became quite complex on a technical level to be able to carry out this development.

— Mikaël Morrissette, spokesperson for the City of Trois-Rivières

The cycle path would therefore not have sufficiently improved the safety of cyclists without significant modifications to the project. “The alternative of the off-street cycle path was ruled out due to lack of return between investment and improved safety for users. In other words, particularly because of the technical complexity, it cost too much for the gain in safety,” explains Mr. Morrissette.

But the advisor and president of the mobility committee Pierre Montreuil assures that it is only a postponement. “It’s not abandoned at all. If we redo this intersection, it is to improve it at all levels.”

He hopes the cycle path will become a reality “this year”, but aware that this is unlikely, he is aiming for no later than November 2025.

“We are in the process of validating the costs. It’s not abandoned, it’s on the work table. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to wait.”

— Pierre Montreuil, Carmel district councilor

The Cooke Hill is narrow, which can be treacherous for cyclists. In addition, several pedestrians walk along the roadway near vehicles, on the side where there is no sidewalk. So many of them do it that a path has appeared.


There are so many pedestrians walking along the coast that a path has been formed very close to the roadway. (Pierre Montreuil)

According to Mr. Montreuil, the importance of creating a cycle path in this location is “undeniable”. “We have the university up the hill. We have students and workers who live in the Sainte-Marguerite district. There are people who live in my district, the Carmel district, who have to go down the coast regularly, if not daily.”


In winter, several pedestrians walk on the street. (Pierre Montreuil)

While waiting for the construction of a cycle path, Mr. Montreuil is delighted that the redevelopment of the intersection is on track. “The straightening of this intersection will be a great advantage for mobility in terms of automobile traffic.”

Moreover, with the reconfiguration of the intersection, it will already be safer for pedestrians and cyclists, underlines Mr. Morrissette.

Optimized security

The route of rue du Père-Daniel will be realigned with that of Côte de l’Hôpital-Cooke for “more fluid and safer” traffic. A modernization of traffic lights is also planned.

The work was preceded by the demolition of a building between Sainte-Marguerite and Père-Daniel in the fall of 2022, which made this redevelopment possible. “When you arrive from Père-Daniel, you have to zigzag to go up the hill. We won’t have to do that anymore. We now have the space to build a proper intersection, that is to say a cross,” explains the Carmel district councilor.

The objective of this reconfiguration is to “increase road safety at this busy intersection”. More than 18,000 vehicles use it daily, specifies the City.

>>>The work will take place from the end of June until September.>>>

The work will take place from the end of June until September. (Le Nouvelliste)

“This high traffic combined with the high density of pedestrians during school hours as well as the configuration of the premises emerged from a traffic study carried out in 2020 as elements requiring intervention by the City.”

Some 70 collisions have occurred at this location in nine years (2013 to 2022). In the case of 14 of these accidents, one or more people suffered minor injuries while 56 resulted in property damage only.

Access to nearby businesses, industries and institutions will be maintained during the work. Slowdowns are expected.



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