a gas leak wreaks havoc in a building in Nuits-Saint-Georges

a gas leak wreaks havoc in a building in Nuits-Saint-Georges
a gas leak wreaks havoc in a building in Nuits-Saint-Georges

On the night of Thursday May 9 to Friday May 10, a fire broke out in the facade of a building in Nuits-Saint-Georges (Côte-d’Or). Nine people had to be evacuated, “panicked” by the night they had just spent. According to initial reports, the fire came from a trash fire.

An impressive incident. On the night of Thursday May 9 to Friday May 10, nine residents of Nuits-Saint-Georges (Côte-d’Or) had to be evacuated from their building due to a fire. “At 12:30 a.m., I heard a noise that reminded me of a truck carrying out work. I went to look at the window and saw flames,” explains Michel Petiot, one of the nine people impacted by the fire.

Firefighters quickly intervened to control the flames and prevent further damage. Michel went out to put his car away. When he returned, firefighters blocked access to the building. “I feared it would spread. I was a little panicked as flames were heading towards my windows, but luckily they did what they could,” he adds.

The morning following this fire, this resident had barely recovered from a restless night. Michel still hopes that he will never experience this again.”I normally live in a quiet neighborhood. But what happened last night was still impressive.

The fire was burning because the gas that fueled the building escaped,” explains the city’s mayor, Alain Cartron. GRDF immediately intervened to cut off the power, but the damage was already done.

A question still arose: how did the gas escape? On the morning of May 10, the police were able to access surveillance camera videos, and a lead came to light: “trash debris was found near the building.“But, for the moment, the mayor did not want to give definitive conclusions. In the meantime, the affected residents were able to return to their apartment after a restless night.



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