fire, insulting tags, the elected official of a small village in Gard files a complaint

fire, insulting tags, the elected official of a small village in Gard files a complaint
fire, insulting tags, the elected official of a small village in Gard files a complaint

Three attacks in a few weeks. Florence Bouis, mayor of Molières-sur-Cèze, north of Alès in Gard, is the target of threats and insulting tags found on the facades of municipal buildings. She filed a complaint.

She shared these attacks on social networks. Florence Bouis, mayor of Molières-sur-Cèze, in Gard, reported the threats and insults of which she has been the victim for several weeks. It started two months ago with a fire, then insulting tags found on the walls of municipal buildings.

She recounts these attacks on her Facebook page with humor, making fun of the author’s spelling weaknesses: “This is the 3rd attack in a short time. First against the town hall with an attempted fire then against me with messages addressed directly to me. I am a little disappointed, because if we could raise the play on words of “Fuck your mayor” which could show a certain research… It would seem that the “artist” ultimately has nothing more to say and is quickly limited by his lexical field.”

A little reminder on gender and number agreements would also not be a luxury.

Florence Bouis

Mayor of Molières-sur-Cèze (Gard)

“To flout the House of the Republic and its representative amounts to flouting all of you, citizens of the Republic,” continues Florence Bouis.

She received the support of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF), Laurent Burgoa, senator (LR) of Gard and the association of rural mayors of Gard, AMR 30.

“On behalf of the Association of Rural Mayors of Gard, I give all my support to the mayor of Molieres sur Cèze, Florence Bouis, victim, once again, of insulting and threatening inscriptions against her on the facade of the town hallindicates Sylvain André, representative of the AMR du Gard. Nothing justifies such actions, this is serious and unacceptable! This should not be taken lightly, attacking a mayor is attacking the Republic. AMR 30 requests that a serious investigation be carried out as quickly as possible, and that an exemplary sanction be taken against the individual(s) responsible.”

The elected official filed a complaint with the gendarmerie.

Attacks against elected officials are increasing. Recently, an individual was sentenced for having damaged three elected officials’ houses in Beauvoin, still in Gard.



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