In France: The cholera epidemic in Mayotte “is under control”

The cholera epidemic in Mayotte, a French department in the Indian Ocean neighboring the Comoros, has so far affected 65 people, including a three-year-old girl who died on Wednesdayannounced the Minister of Health on Friday.

There is “for the moment only one home”, declared Frédéric Valletoux on the radio RTLwhile noting a “slow rise in the level of people affected”.

The epidemic “is under control” and “circumscribed”, thanks to “intervention by health services on vaccination, treatment, support for those affected”, specified the minister while traveling on the island.

The epidemic started “on March 18,” he recalled, with the first cases “arriving from the Comoros,” where the epidemic is surging and has already caused 98 deaths, according to the latest official report. “The vaccination strategy for cholera is not to vaccinate all-out and blindly”, but “in stages”, with vaccination of those close to those affected and people who have been in contact with them in the last 48 hours, explained the minister.

In Mayotte, more than 3,700 people have been vaccinated so far in the epidemic outbreak alone, he said. “We have some stocks. Today there are approximately 7,000 vaccines on the island. 6000 vaccines arriving next week. We still have possible doses and in larger volumes for the start of summer.

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