Shirts, sheets… Mayenne artist Christian Poincheval needs fabrics for an XXL work

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Mayenne visual artist Christian Poincheval plans to create an “interactive installation” exhibited from June 15, 2024 in Saint-Pierre-sur-Erve. To do this, he is appealing for tissue donations. To your cupboards.

From left to right: Antoine Josset, president of the festival committee, and Christian Poincheval, artist. | WEST FRANCE

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  • From left to right: Antoine Josset, president of the festival committee, and Christian Poincheval, artist. | WEST FRANCE

As part of the In situ exhibition which will take place from June 15 to September 30, 2024 in Saint-Pierre-sur-Erve (Mayenne) and organized by Antoine Josset, president of the association, Christian Poincheval, atypical Mayenne singer and artist , proposes to create a monumental work.

From 15 to 20 m in length

” I will do an enormous weaving between 15 and 20 m long, two meters high, it is an interactive installation. This work will be called My Weavings



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