Former LREM deputy for Creuse Jean-Baptiste Moreau makes a “small return” to politics

Former LREM deputy for Creuse Jean-Baptiste Moreau makes a “small return” to politics
Former LREM deputy for Creuse Jean-Baptiste Moreau makes a “small return” to politics

“It is without any qualms that I will campaign for Renaissance and Valérie Hayer.” All smiles on the Guéret market (Creuse) Thursday May 9, Jean-Baptiste Moreau distributed leaflets for the head of the presidential majority list in the European elections. The vote is organized on June 9 but according to a poll, carried out by ViaVoice for Radio France, only 49% of French people say they are interested in these European elections. Alongside Alexia Monnet, the president of the Renaissance party in Creuse, the former LREM deputy for Creuse has therefore returned to service.

“Valérie Hayer is a friend”

“It’s a little return to politics. I have friendship loyalties but I don’t necessarily have partisan loyalty. I’m not the man of a party or a clan but I remain loyal to the president of the Republic”, explains Jean-Baptiste Moreau. Elected in 2017 as deputy for Creuse under the LREM banner, the native of Guéret is beaten in the 2022 legislative elections by Catherine Couturier. For two years, Jean-Baptiste Moreau had not completely left the political world. He is still elected Renaissance of Montaigut-le-Blanc but, a sign of his desire to fully return to the political game, on a local or even national scale, Jean-Baptiste Moreau explained, on the social network had transferred his business to his partner. “My political commitment for our department of Creuse and for our agriculture will continue and even increase”even writes the ex-MP.

It was therefore on the Guéret market that Jean-Baptiste Moreau chose to take up his pilgrim’s staff, in contact with the Creusois, to try to launch this campaign. “I know the head of the Renaissance list Valérie Hayer very well. She is a close friend with whom I have worked a lot in the European Parliament as an MP but also in public affairs. I will campaign for Valérie, despite my disagreements with some of his running mates like Pascal Canfin with whom I was able to have quite virulent exchanges of points of view”, underlines Jean-Baptiste Moreau, before adding that there are many quality people on this list. The former MP’s main fight will be to mobilize voters for this election: “We know who benefits from abstention: at the extremes, on the right and on the left. We must make Creusois people understand the role of Europe in their daily lives.”




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