again and again illegal dumping of waste on mining wastelands

again and again illegal dumping of waste on mining wastelands
again and again illegal dumping of waste on mining wastelands

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The site polluted twice in 48 hours

This location, along rue Condorcet, which temporarily served as a parking area for large numbers of travelers, is regularly damaged. Already in 2018, thousands of tires were abandoned there. “Last week, we carried out an initial cleaning of this site where illegal dumping was increasing. 48 hours later, it was hit again with deposits from dozens of large cans of paint. We cleaned again at the start of the week. Each time, it is an expense for the community,” indicates Jacques Koenig, general director of services for the agglomeration community of Forbach, an intermunicipality that owns this plot on the Simon wasteland.

To try to limit the risks, the community has physically blocked access to this land. Wasted effort ! The polluters still pass.

Six recycling centers available

“Professionals can use the six recycling centers in the city,” emphasizes Anthony Oddo. In charge of the cycle paths in the urban community, he regrets these illegal dumps… just opposite the entrance to the Simon quarry from the water tower. “We are making efforts to highlight the environmental quality of this new walking site, but the surrounding areas must not be degraded. This disrespectful behavior is incomprehensible,” add Jacques Koenig and Anthony Oddo.

The phenomenon is not just forbachois. Nationally, a million tonnes of rubbish are left behind on roadsides or in nature each year. “While we continue to raise awareness about respect for the environment, there are always recalcitrant people who confuse nature with a dump. Probably a question of education, stupidity or lifestyle. With more civic-mindedness, we would save thousands of euros,” concludes Jacques Koenig.




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