Work of art vandalized and marked with swastikas at University of Alberta

An interactive work of art created and presented on May 8 by a student at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, as part of a temporary exhibition, was vandalized and peppered with words and symbols, including swastikas .

In a press release, the University said it had consulted the author of the work and had taken immediate measuresinviting the latter to erase all the signs and symbols added to the original canvas.

The work of art bearing the signs in question was still installed on campus Wednesday afternoon.

It is unclear when the hate speech was added. The artwork is interactive and invites passersby to share their thoughts by writing on a section of the art installationexplains the University.

The University says it has measures in place to guard against any such incidents.

Hate has no place at the University of Alberta. The University opposes discrimination or hatred based on religion, race, ethnicity, national origin, and other protected categories.

A quote from Excerpt from the University of Alberta press release

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The University does not know when the artwork was vandalized.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Richard Marion

The statement urges all its members to respect its policy on discrimination as well as its statement on freedom of expression.

The University of Alberta’s guide to free speech highlights the importance of cultivate an equitable and inclusive environment that promotes respect for human dignitybut also the need for the university community to be exposed to a variety of points of view, including those with which one disagrees, and being able to participate in intellectual debate.

The vandalized work is part of an exhibition of student works that ends on May 12.


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The vandalists also wrote pro-Palestinian messages on the artwork.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Richard Marion

Against the backdrop of the Israel-Hamas conflict

These acts of vandalism occur while hate incidents, against the backdrop of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, are considered frequent in Canada and Alberta.

According to claims by the Jewish human rights organization B’nai Brith, incidents against members of Jewish communities have increased by nearly 195% in the province.

Matt Messenger of the Calgary Police Hate Crimes Prevention Team says incidents targeting Jews and Muslims have become frequent since the Hamas movement’s attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, followed by retaliation by Hamas. Israeli army in Palestinian territory.

We have had indictments in which the Muslim community and the Jewish community were targeted. We have had cases of property damage, harassment and harassing phone calls.

A quote from Matt Messenger, Calgary Police

With the conflict still raging, Mr. Messenger believes hate incidents could increase for some time.

With information from Omar Sherif



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