“We will take up this challenge,” promises the Coteaux du Luy coach

“We will take up this challenge,” promises the Coteaux du Luy coach
“We will take up this challenge,” promises the Coteaux du Luy coach

Where are you with your workforce?

A difficult end to the season due to injuries, namely two cruciate ligaments and muscle problems, notably the last match at Tournefeuille for which we were without five players. During this period we had to restructure everything in order to regain our collective game.

What is your assessment of the season?

A positive season insofar as maintenance was achieved relatively early, we finished fourth and I am satisfied with what we were able to show especially in the first part of the season, the end having been more difficult due to injuries but This does not detract from the beautiful journey completed.

Do you feel the enthusiasm of the club around the event?

Yes of course and it is due to many things, notably the recent rise to NM2 of the boys’ team which has created emulation within the club, the upcoming final phases of the senior teams and the youth teams. We know the value of our audience who will respond as they always have for these events. We will try to make them proud by giving the best of ourselves to reach the final.

What are your goals ?

When we are in the semi-final, the objective is common to all four teams, which is to go to the end. We will therefore first focus on the half because we will need, among other things, our collective. Four weeks without a match is something to take into account even if it will be the same for the other clubs. The team that manages this parameter best will have a small advantage. We played Élan Chalossais twice (two victories for CLB) and each time it was very different and very complicated. But we are only focusing on ourselves, due to injuries and know that the context will be different from that of the championship. We are very wary of our opponents and of course we want to defend our title until the end. We are preparing for it and I know that my players will give everything and, supported by our public, we will take on this new challenge in the legendary arenas of Pomarez.

Elan Chalossais (NF3) – Coteaux du Luy (NF3)

Place : Pomarez (arenas). Hourly : This Friday, at 8 p.m. Referees MM. Burg Barrier, Cadillon and Rego Correia.
ELAN CHALOSSAIS The group : Lageyre, B. Souverbie, Saint-Jean, Cabé, Kahia, Carrau, Renou, Couture, Persillon, C. Souverbie.
COTEAUX DU LUY The group : Dages, Sourget, Feyte, Dutournier, Darriberre, Leglise, Lafituque, Laffargue, Tugaye, Baudy.



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