the magic tree arrives in Haute-Marne

Rural world. Thierry, Vincent and Paul-Henry Lahaye, always looking for diversification, are embarking on the planting of a very particular species of tree, the Paulownia which has many qualities including those of growing quickly and capturing a maximum CO2.

A new adventure begins for the Lahaye brothers. Vincent, Thierry and Paul-Henry start planting trees. They will start with two hectares near Doulaincourt to test and then will be able to occupy the entire dedicated plot of 8 hectares in 2025.

They became the references in Haute-Marne for a nurseryman from Sarthe, AB Paulownia. As its name suggests, it specializes in this very particular species of tree. This so-called “wonderful” or “magical” tree has its origins in Asia. But it is growing a lot in Europe. “He does well in Spain, Germany, Italy. So why not with us? »confides Vincent Lahaye.

In any case, as part of a search for agricultural diversification, the Lahaye brothers are trying their chances and will plant the first Paulownia plants in May.

So why is this tree magical? Already, it is growing very quickly, “we can make a cut every 7-8 years”, enlightens us Vincent Lahaye. And its wood is highly sought after for cladding and for everything related to wooden construction. Another particularity, it is highly resistant to fire, we quickly see the advantage that this constitutes in construction. “It is also rot-proof”adds Vincent Lahaye.

It absorbs 40 tonnes of CO2 per hectare

But where it is totally magical is in its power to capture CO2. It absorbs 40 tonnes of CO2 per hectare per year. Depolluting, it also helps fight against soil erosion. It is widely used in urban areas for its depolluting properties but, in truth, it is established everywhere. Demand seems very strong.

The Paulownia will take root in Haute-Marne. “We’re going to test”, says Vincent Lahaye who, like his brothers, finds this project interesting. Interesting for the public: “We will show the plot”he promises.


  • A new challenge for the Lahaye brothers.
  • Plants ready to leave for Haute-Marne.
  • Paulownia has its origins in Asia.
