MAP. Things get stuck towards the ocean in Loire-Atlantique

Live traffic in Loire-Atlantique this public holiday Thursday, May 9, 2024. Destinations, Ocean!

The Nantes-Pornic axis is busy this Thursday morning, May 9, 2024. | PHOTO PRESS ARCHIVES OCEAN

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  • The Nantes-Pornic axis is busy this Thursday morning, May 9, 2024. | PHOTO PRESS ARCHIVES OCEAN

There is the sky, blue, the sun and the sea… And from Nantes towards the ocean, traffic jams along the different routes which lead from the metropolis to La Baule and Pornichet; towards Pornic and Saint-Michel-Chef-Chef; towards the Vendée coast.


Nothing to panic about but vigilance all the same in particular for the risks due to a “accordion” traffic between portions of expressways and two-way roads.



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