The Department doubles its funding for Escanaux

The Department doubles its funding for Escanaux
The Department doubles its funding for Escanaux

The Department of has signed an amendment as part of the urban renewal program in Bagnols-sur-Cèze. He doubles his financial participation to €4,549,413.

The Escanaux de Bagnols urban renewal program was ratified in mid-March 2022. It then provided for the demolition of three buildings, for a total of 143 social housing units. The reconstruction of as many social housing units, 60% of which are in the Gard Rhone region. An operation which is part of the ANRU (National Agency for Urban Renewal).

At the entrance to the city, on the road side, at the Edgar-Tailhades roundabout, the reconversion of the Cèdres site which accommodated 110 housing units, known as Bogota, from the social landlord Habitat du Gard, was planned. The housing bar was demolished in 2017-2018. A site which had once been anticipated to host a new art museum, which will not materialize. Currently, work is continuing nearby, notably at the G2 Tower in the asbestos removal phase.

The amount of the subsidy from the Departmental Council under the initial agreement for the operations carried out by Habitat du Gard in Bagnols-sur-Cèze, amounted to €1,817,767.

It corresponds to increased funding (€7,000 per dwelling and 4% balancing subsidy) for all operations to reconstitute the supply of demolished housing (143 in total).

The Departmental Council also approved aid of €500,000 for the renovation of the Pyramide performance hall at the Léo Lagrange social center.

The total initial commitment from the Departmental Council was €2,317,767. With the signing of this amendment, the additional operations of the housing component will concern the demolition of 158 additional housing units and therefore the reconstitution of the equivalent social rental offer for which the Departmental Council contributes to the tune of €2,231,646.

In total his participation amounts to €4,549,413.

Also read:

Bagnols-sur-Cèze: the device Heart of the city at the time of taking stock



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