Danger in Pointe-à-Pitre! The disaster site on rue Peynier is prohibited from access, reminds the national police

Danger in Pointe-à-Pitre! The disaster site on rue Peynier is prohibited from access, reminds the national police
Danger in Pointe-à-Pitre! The disaster site on rue Peynier is prohibited from access, reminds the national police

There is danger in venturing onto the disaster site on rue Peynier, since the fire on Sunday, in Pointe-à-Pitre. The national police point out the risk of collapse of weakened buildings. The premises are also scrutinized by investigators responsible for determining the origin of the disaster. People seen on site, photographing or picking up objects, also risk being fined.

Here is a message of the utmost importance, which comes from the national police of Guadeloupe: no one should be on the disaster site of rue Peynier, in Pointe-à-Pitre, where a fire has ravaged five houses and weakened others, last Sunday (May 5, 2024).
There is a high risk of collapse on site. Moreover, this has already happened during the intervention of the firefighters; a wall fell on several agents of the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS) and four of them had to be hospitalized. This human toll could have been much more dramatic.

Furthermore, this morning’s earthquake, which may be followed by aftershocks, increases the risk; the foundations can give way even more.

However, it turns out that people, notably children, were seen there this Wednesday, May 8. Some were taking photos, others were picking up objects from the rubble.

This entire area should be avoided as danger of immediate collapse may occur at any time. Have good behavior and respect this area ravaged by the fire for the purposes of the investigation.

National Police of Guadeloupe

Offenders, namely individuals who, despite calls for responsibility and caution, enter the demarcated dangerous zone, are subject to fines.

As a reminder, several owners, residents and professionals lost everything in the flames on site. Today, it is solidarity that must come into play, so that these people, including five students, can resume the course of their lives.




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