In Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie, this work will last until June 28

In Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie, this work will last until June 28
In Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie, this work will last until June 28

By Editorial Challans
Published on

May 8, 24 at 12:26

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From Monday May 13 to Friday June 28rue du Calvaire in Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie (near the Super U) will be under construction.

For what ?

The street will be under construction with the aim of future redevelopment and the creation of a cycle path. This development will in the future facilitate pedestrian and bicycle travel to the city center.

What will they consist of?

The work will begin with the renovation of the sanitation network and will continue with surface development.

How to get around?

During the construction period, users of this axis will have to take the diversion set up by the Cour Rouge district: avenue de la Liberté, place de la Cour Rouge, rue Pasteur and rue du Champ de Foire.

Shops and practitioners in the work zone will remain accessible to pedestrians via dedicated paths.

The gas station roundabout will be affected occasionally by the work, the diversion will then be made from rue Hippolyte Chauvière to join the Cour Rouge.

And after ?

This preliminary work aims at a broader development which will continue after the summer season rue de l’Aiguillon, then rue René Laennec and Calvaire roundabout.

For any information on the site, contact 02 51 55 37 90 (technical services of the city of Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie).

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