Conference in Payerne: Integrative medicine for all ages in question

Conference in Payerne: Integrative medicine for all ages in question
Conference in Payerne: Integrative medicine for all ages in question

Integrative medicine for all ages in question

Former director of the CHUV integrative and complementary medicine center, Pierre-Yves Rodondi will give his opinion this Wednesday, October 9.

Published today at 6:24 p.m.

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The integration of complementary medicines aims to relieve the symptoms of sick patients. There are many complementary therapies and it is often difficult to navigate. Professor and director of the institute of family medicine at the University of Fribourg, Pierre-Yves Rodondi will give a conference to address the place of this medicine in Switzerland, in particular training and reimbursement, Wednesday October 9 in Payerne.

Organized by Connaissance 3 Broye, the University of Seniors, the meeting will launch the 2024-2025 season, which includes eight conferences on themes such as digital traces after death, Roman sites in the region, energy transition or the challenges of artificial intelligence. Conference at 2:30 p.m. at the aula of Derrière-la-Tour college in Payerne (15 fr.).

Sébastien Galliker has been a journalist in the Vaud section since 2017. At the Payerne office, he covers news from Broye Vaud and Friborg. A journalist since 2000, he has worked at La Broye Hebdo, in sports and in the region.More info @sebgalliker

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