Training camp in Mbour: Réal Bétis wants an academy in Senegal – Lequotidien

Training camp in Mbour: Réal Bétis wants an academy in Senegal – Lequotidien
Training camp in Mbour: Réal Bétis wants an academy in Senegal – Lequotidien

The good results obtained by the National Football Team in the different categories are starting to bear fruit, making Senegal a land where almost all the elite championships want to unearth talent. This is the case of Réal Bétis of Seville, who has just completed a three-day training camp at the Stade Caroline Faye in Mbour.

A Spanish company, through Mohamed Ndiaye, a native of Mbour, residing in Spain in Zaragoza, brought this club to the capital of the Petite-Côte to unearth talent. This ex-referee of the Spanish 3rd division has been working for some time in training and representing footballers, in addition to organizing sporting events and Showcase, a very important event that captures talents to give them opportunities .
Moreover, it is in this context that the Spanish club was able to hold this training camp for young Senegalese footballers.

“It is a training camp, a model chosen by Real Bétis of Seville as a detection model to evaluate the talent of footballers in the different African countries through the methodology and philosophy, the vision of Real Bétis and the way to train footballers in order to be able to offer them opportunities to integrate the lower categories of Real Bétis.”

In addition to this, he maintains that the Spanish club “with this detection, also wants to have academies in different African countries through our Global Business and Management structure which is in collaboration with the Spanish club”, informs the ex-referee in Spanish football.

Moreover, after three days of detection, many young footballers came to the Stade Caroline Faye to do tests. “We have registered more than 200 footballers. Many of them came from different parts of the country. We spent a lot of money so that Real Bétis could be present in Senegal through the company in which I work, which deals with renewable energies and water purification,” declared Mohamed Ndiaye.
After these days of testing, these young footballers can hope to have a professional career because the outcome could be favorable to them, specifies the initiator of the training camp.

“We saw a lot of talent in the lower categories 2009, 2011. Which means that certainly there will be some of them who will visit the facilities of Real Bétis, and then follow a little training in order to be able to evaluate their abilities with Spanish children their age,” explains Mohamed Ndiaye.
By Alioune Badara CISS
Correspondent – ​​[email protected]

